Valerie was born on August 23, 1980 to grateful parents William and Cari Call Biggerstaff in Ogden, Ut Weber County.
She was welcomed and adored by her older brother Bradley and Her big sister Katie. She literally learned to walk (no crawling for this girl!) so she could keep up with and shadow these two!!
Valerie was blessed with many Gifts and Talents but Her earliest recognized gift was Her ability to make everyone feel like they were her best friends forever! She was much loved by grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins and of course her siblings and parents as well and had a grand childhood. She attended schools in the South Ogden area and then Orem City Schools graduating from Orem High School in 1998.
In 2002 Valerie received confirmation that She should Serve the Lord and received a call to Labor in the Nauvoo Illinois Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for an 18-month Mission. This Service and time spent in the mission field would change Her and forever define for Good the rest of Her Life! Her testimony was enlarged, her faith emboldened and Her love of the Gospel Magnified! Her reward was magnificent as She bonded and maintains today the closest of relationships with Her Nauvoo Sisters, that you could honestly call them “Sisters in Zion”. Her Special few months serving at Carthage was a tender blessing for Her and solidified Her testimony of the Prophet!
When Valerie returned home, God’s plan for her continued to unfold and she was introduced to and fell in love with Her Forever Sweetheart Jason Mckay Clawson. Jason and Valerie were married and sealed in the American Fork Temple of the Lord on December 10, 2005. Valerie became part of an amazing, large new family the “Clawson Clan” and now had not only a wonderful extra set of parents in Steve and Karan Clawson, but also 6 new brothers and 5 new sisters! Her relationship with this entire family was one of her most treasured Blessings and Gifts!
On February 9, 2007 Boston William Clawson blessed her life as she became a mother. Later, she and Jason would be blessed with another son Cooper Steven Clawson on February 11, 2013. She also gave birth to Sweet Angel Baby Hulet Mckay on March 23, 2017. He passed away that day, but now has been reunited with his precious mother forever. Her desire to be a mother and raise her boys was always a paramount and defining part of who Valerie was. Her boys, Jason, Boston, Cooper and Hulet will forever be the Greatest Loves of Her Life. Leaving them for a moment was Her only regret. Her gratitude for the gospel plan and sealing ordinances of the Temple were Her comforting solace.
Valerie served in many capacities within all Church organizations including; Relief Society, Primary Teacher, Ministering Sister, and in the Young Woman’s Program. She was a good mentor and example for the youth of the church. Many knew and loved Her because of Her great ability to reach out to the One in love and inclusion. She had an ability and gift to know who might need something extra and love from Her. She always acted upon those impressions. Her large circle of friends will attest to this.
She had many talents and was good at design and graphics helping family and friends as well as businesses with design work. Valerie always spent countless hours and late nights creating the prefect card for every situation no matter who it was for. She gained this talent working for Alphagraphics. She loved her Alphagraphics Family as she worked off and on for them for 15 years. She also was a Master Aesthetician and mostly just offered service to Her close friends and family. She had worked for Smith Barney and Morgan Stanley as an executive secretary. She was the epitome of the idea that “That if a Job is worth doing It’s worth doing well”. She excelled at all she took on and most knew if Valerie was on the job it would be completed and be well done.
She loved to be outdoors and loved Summer vacations with friends and family in Jackson Hole running the river, camping and family trips to California. She loved spending time with her immediate family and never missed family home evening each Monday for the last 20 Years!! Her family was and will always be her everything!!
Much will be said about her great circles of friends. The Ogden Group, The Orem Girls and Guys, The Nauvoo Sisterhood, The Clawson Clan, Her Provo Girls, and then finally the Vineyard Family of Friends. She was able to maintain amazing relationships with many, not only because she had such a big heart, but because those relationships meant the absolute world to her. She would say “Thank You” for being a player on my little Stage of Life and “Keep an Eye on My Boys”! Even up until her last days in the hospital she was asking the doctors and nurses personal questions about them, as well as thanking them for helping care for Her during this time of Her terminal illness. She was even loved by Her Oncologist. During Her last days at the hospital, he came to Her room and with a tender voice looked into Her big brown eyes and said “Valerie, you are one of my favorites patients”.
Valerie is survived by Her Loving Husband Jason, Her sons Boston and Cooper, Her parents Bill and Cari Biggerstaff, Her in-laws Steve and Karan Clawson, siblings Bradley and April Biggerstaff, Katie and Nathan Harward, Jeff and Carrie Clawson, Josh and Tawnya Clawson, Julie and Claine Hawkins, Jenny and Kirt Victor, Jeremy and Heather Clawson, James and Annalee Clawson, and Grandparents Lawrence Call and Beverly Evans, many beloved nieces and nephews she loves dearly! She Loved Her many wonderful Aunts, Uncles and Cousins who have mentored and Loved Her.
She was preceded in death by Her Angel baby Hulet Mckay Clawson and Grandparents Karen K Call, LaNell H Read, James L Evans, and a Special Uncle Andrew K Call.
Valerie’s Family wishes to extend Special Thanks to Dr. John Weis and Dr.Benjamin Solomon at the Huntsman Cancer Institute. Also, Dr. Heather Dabling and a very Special Thank You to her Sister Julie Hawkins for much Tender Compassionate Care. A Thank You to Annalee Clawson and Josh Clawson for the “Show of Hope Benefit Concert”. We also want to Thank Josh Clawson for hours of audio recording for family and Val’s Boys.
Funeral Services will be held on Friday, June 21st at 11:00 am at the Suncrest Stake Center located at ------- where Viewings will be held on Thursday, June 20th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm and prior to the service on ------- from 9:30 to 10:30 am. Interment in the Orem City Cemetery.
Funeral Directors: Utah Valley Mortuary
Tributes To Valerie

--------" ~ Jason
- June 14, 2019
"I am feeling really sad about my Beautiful Friend Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson passing away this past Wednesday. I can’t stop thinking about her and how I wish I could have seen her before she left us. She had been battling Cancer for the past 8-9 months. All I know is that I will miss her kind heart and Friendship. She was so Sweet, I remember her always greeting me “Hey Girl, how’s your Sweet Mia?” she had nothing but nice things to say and I felt the Love she had for my daughter Mia. I remember going to her house to ask for help with something and we talked and she shared things with me and opened up about the loss of her Baby Boy Hulet McKay, she showed me her little memory box of him and pictures of him. I was so touched that she shared this with me. My heart aches so much since her passing and thru her chemo and illness I never knew when the right time was to reach out to her. I wanted to give her privacy and not intrude knowing what she was going through was so difficult. I sent her a text me last week, I don’t know if she got it. You are one in a Million Valerie. I am really going to miss your Beautiful Spirit, your Smile, your Welcoming warm friendship. You were always Perfectly Beautiful inside and out . Til we meet again xoxoxox" ~ Cynthia
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