Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson - I Miss You Everyday.

Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson - I Miss You Everyday.

Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson
Our Sweet, Bright, Funny, Light transitioned from Mortality, to the Eternities surrounded by Her family on June 12th, 2019. We will be Forever Better Individuals for having had Her Influence and Example in Our Lives!

Valerie was born on August 23, 1980 to grateful parents William and Cari Call Biggerstaff in Ogden, Ut Weber County.

She was welcomed and adored by her older brother Bradley and Her big sister Katie. She literally learned to walk (no crawling for this girl!) so she could keep up with and shadow these two!!

Valerie was blessed with many Gifts and Talents but Her earliest recognized gift was Her ability to make everyone feel like they were her best friends forever! She was much loved by grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins and of course her siblings and parents as well and had a grand childhood. She attended schools in the South Ogden area and then Orem City Schools graduating from Orem High School in 1998.

In 2002 Valerie received confirmation that She should Serve the Lord and received a call to Labor in the Nauvoo Illinois Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for an 18-month Mission. This Service and time spent in the mission field would change Her and forever define for Good the rest of Her Life! Her testimony was enlarged, her faith emboldened and Her love of the Gospel Magnified! Her reward was magnificent as She bonded and maintains today the closest of relationships with Her Nauvoo Sisters, that you could honestly call them “Sisters in Zion”. Her Special few months serving at Carthage was a tender blessing for Her and solidified Her testimony of the Prophet! 

When Valerie returned home, God’s plan for her continued to unfold and she was introduced to and fell in love with Her Forever Sweetheart Jason Mckay Clawson. Jason and Valerie were married and sealed in the American Fork Temple of the Lord on December 10, 2005. Valerie became part of an amazing, large new family the “Clawson Clan” and now had not only a wonderful extra set of parents in Steve and Karan Clawson, but also 6 new brothers and 5 new sisters! Her relationship with this entire family was one of her most treasured Blessings and Gifts!

On February 9, 2007 Boston William Clawson blessed her life as she became a mother. Later, she and Jason would be blessed with another son Cooper Steven Clawson on February 11, 2013. She also gave birth to Sweet Angel Baby Hulet Mckay on March 23, 2017. He passed away that day, but now has been reunited with his precious mother forever. Her desire to be a mother and raise her boys was always a paramount and defining part of who Valerie was. Her boys, Jason, Boston, Cooper and Hulet will forever be the Greatest Loves of Her Life. Leaving them for a moment was Her only regret. Her gratitude for the gospel plan and sealing ordinances of the Temple were Her comforting solace. 

Valerie served in many capacities within all Church organizations including; Relief Society, Primary Teacher, Ministering Sister, and in the Young Woman’s Program. She was a good mentor and example for the youth of the church. Many knew and loved Her because of Her great ability to reach out to the One in love and inclusion. She had an ability and gift to know who might need something extra and love from Her. She always acted upon those impressions. Her large circle of friends will attest to this.

She had many talents and was good at design and graphics helping family and friends as well as businesses with design work. Valerie always spent countless hours and late nights creating the prefect card for every situation no matter who it was for. She gained this talent working for Alphagraphics. She loved her Alphagraphics Family as she worked off and on for them for 15 years. She also was a Master Aesthetician and mostly just offered service to Her close friends and family. She had worked for Smith Barney and Morgan Stanley as an executive secretary. She was the epitome of the idea that “That if a Job is worth doing It’s worth doing well”. She excelled at all she took on and most knew if Valerie was on the job it would be completed and be well done.

She loved to be outdoors and loved Summer vacations with friends and family in Jackson Hole running the river, camping and family trips to California. She loved spending time with her immediate family and never missed family home evening each Monday for the last 20 Years!! Her family was and will always be her everything!!
Much will be said about her great circles of friends. The Ogden Group, The Orem Girls and Guys, The Nauvoo Sisterhood, The Clawson Clan, Her Provo Girls, and then finally the Vineyard Family of Friends. She was able to maintain amazing relationships with many, not only because she had such a big heart, but because those relationships meant the absolute world to her. She would say “Thank You” for being a player on my little Stage of Life and “Keep an Eye on My Boys”! Even up until her last days in the hospital she was asking the doctors and nurses personal questions about them, as well as thanking them for helping care for Her during this time of Her terminal illness. She was even loved by Her Oncologist. During Her last days at the hospital, he came to Her room and with a tender voice looked into Her big brown eyes and said “Valerie, you are one of my favorites patients”. 

Valerie is survived by Her Loving Husband Jason, Her sons Boston and Cooper, Her parents Bill and Cari Biggerstaff, Her in-laws Steve and Karan Clawson, siblings Bradley and April Biggerstaff, Katie and Nathan Harward, Jeff and Carrie Clawson, Josh and Tawnya Clawson, Julie and Claine Hawkins, Jenny and Kirt Victor, Jeremy and Heather Clawson, James and Annalee Clawson, and Grandparents Lawrence Call and Beverly Evans, many beloved nieces and nephews she loves dearly! She Loved Her many wonderful Aunts, Uncles and Cousins who have mentored and Loved Her.

She was preceded in death by Her Angel baby Hulet Mckay Clawson and Grandparents Karen K Call, LaNell H Read, James L Evans, and a Special Uncle Andrew K Call.

Valerie’s Family wishes to extend Special Thanks to Dr. John Weis and Dr.Benjamin Solomon at the Huntsman Cancer Institute. Also, Dr. Heather Dabling and a very Special Thank You to her Sister Julie Hawkins for much Tender Compassionate Care. A Thank You to Annalee Clawson and Josh Clawson for the “Show of Hope Benefit Concert”. We also want to Thank Josh Clawson for hours of audio recording for family and Val’s Boys.

Funeral Services will be held on Friday, June 21st at 11:00 am at the Suncrest Stake Center located at ------- where Viewings will be held on Thursday, June 20th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm and prior to the service on ------- from 9:30 to 10:30 am. Interment in the Orem City Cemetery.

Funeral Directors: Utah Valley Mortuary

Tributes To Valerie

- August 23, 2022
"Happy Birthday Valerie.
We are going to celebrate your birthday by eating chips and salsa at your favorite "CHILI'S", circus peanuts, chocolate covered cinnamon bears, Pepsi and don’t forget watching “GOONIES”.
Today we honor and celebrate your life and influence in the world. Thanks for teaching us how to love people unconditionally. We miss you, but know that your goodness and light continues on today. Today we will celebrate you, and will continue to work on being more like Valerie." ~ Jason
-  August 23 2021
"Good morning and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Valerie Clawson
Today we celebrate your life and wonderful memories with you. Me and the boys dearly miss you seeing you on a daily basis, but have been so diligent in keeping you alive in our hearts on a daily basis. I wish I could hear the sweet words “Hey Girl” again as you had a tender way of making everyone feel like your best friend. Today is all about You sweetheart, and what you did and have meant to us. Me and the boys healing process has be blessed by sharing your life with those suffering and struggling by delivering sunshine baskets. It really has help us to remember you and keep you close to us in our hearts. Even though you are not physically with us today, I continue to feel your spirit blessing me and the boys lives all the time. Thanks for being a special and amazing ladies that has shaped and transformed our lives, and many more." ~ Love you sweetie, Jason, Boston and Cooper
The Clawson Family
- June 23, 2021
“Enhancing your life/ challenges through God”
Just over two years ago, I woke up and thought to myself “how am I going to do this”. Tears filled my eyes, because I could see the overwhelming task of picking up the piece of life after Valerie passed away. It was a relief to finally allow myself to not stress, worry and spend additional energy caring and supporting her, but what was waiting on the other side of her death and our situations was something I feared and was so very scared of. The questions and doubts began to creep in as I looked to the future for a glimmer of hope for the future. I often looked into the eyes of my boys knowing they needed me and relied on me, along with not letting them know how really scared and nervous I was as their dad. No more moments of saying “go ask mom or your mother will know best”. The weight of the situation fell directly on my shoulders, without any anticipation of sharing, opening up and being extremely vulnerable about my situations, and heaven forbid me to talk about the emotional pain I was feeling from all parts of my body. This was my reality with no end in sight.
Last Saturday, I was asked to speak at a youth conference from an amazing friend I met through my journey. He strongly felt impressed to invite me to share with the stake and so many youth this past Saturday. In Preparation for this talk, I got the opportunity to compile my talk of thoughts, emotions, experiences and pictures over the past 2 years. I titled the talk “Enhancing your life through God”. This was a gift because as I worked on this talk, and thoughts about what and why to share, I felt Valerie’s presence, and God so close to me. This experience felt like Valerie and God we’re letting me know how proud of them they are of my journey. As I placed postings and pictures together, God opened the windows of heaven and showed me how I had been able to get to this point in my life. I crumbled with emotions as this small window from God provide, because in this moment he showed me how I have been able to survive, provide and thrive with so much hard heart, chaos and pain. God has truly inspired, uplifted me and carries me through so many difficult and hard things.
I have thought about these experiences and emotions over the past couple of days, and reflected on waking up the day offer Valerie’s death. It has not been easy, but I would actually call it overwhelming, stressful, depressing, sucky, scary and painful. To name a few, but it’s what I have gained and become through this process that has “enhanced my life” for the better, and helped me and my boys to start becoming the best version of us.
In the hospital the doctor pulled me aside and said “Jason, Cancer has a way of enhancing your life”. At the time I did not want to hear these words, but saying to those youth at youth conference allowed me to see who God is helping and “enhancing” me, my boys and others around me to become.
My God continue to “Enhancing” your life on the way your finding your best self. Love, The Clawson's
"Last Saturday, I was asked to speak at a youth conference from an amazing friend I met through my journey. He strongly felt impressed to invite me to share with the stake and so many youth this past Saturday. In Preparation for this talk, I got the opportunity to compile my talk of thoughts, emotions, experiences and pictures over the past 2 years. I titled the talk “Enhancing your life through God”. This was a gift because as I worked out on this talk, and thoughts about what and why to share, I felt Valerie’s presence, and God so close to me. This experience felt like Valerie and God we’re letting me know how proud of them they are of my journey. As I placed postings and pictures together, God opened the windows of heaven and showed me how I had been able to get to this point in my life. I crumbled with emotions as this small window from God provide, because in this moment he showed me how I have been able to survive, provide and thrive with so much hard heart, chaos and pain. God has truly inspired, uplifted me and carries me through so many difficult and hard things.
I have thought about these experiences and emotions over the past couple of days, and reflected on waking up the day offer Valerie’s death. It has not been easy, but I would actually call it overwhelming, stressful, depressing, sucky, scary and painful. To name a few, but it’s what I have gained and become through this process that has “enhanced my life” for the better, and helped me and my boys to start becoming the best version of us.
In the hospital the doctor pulled me aside and said “Jason, Cancer has a way of enhancing your life”. At the time I did not want to hear these words, but saying to those youth at youth conference allowed me to see who God is helping and “enhancing” me, my boys and others around me to become.
My God continue to “Enhancing” your life on the way your finding your best self." ~ Love, The Clawson's
Valerie Clawson
- June 12, 2021
"Happy “Be like Val” day.
I would love to hear about your experiences today honoring Val or others that are passed away. Healing and find joy is all about serving and thinking outside of yourself to find joy.
“Hey girl” is the phrase that Val used to make so many girls feel special and that they were Valerie’s friend.
She was one in a million that continues to live in our heart and daily actions.
So grateful that families can be together forever so I can see and be with Valerie again.
So to honor Val I say “ Hey girl” I miss and love you so much. Thanks for being my best friend." ~ Jason
- June 12, 2021
"Jason Mckay Clawson is amazing. Having the opportunity to help him with the sunshine project this year has been so rewarding and although I never got the chance to meet Val I know she was amazing and that she spread joy and happiness in everything she did. Let’s be a little bit more like Val as we remember her this weekend! #belikeval" ~ Megan
- June 12, 2021
"Two years is too long. We miss you Val! On Be like Val day we decided to do our makeup and nails in honor of you. Next we'll shop! Love ya Val!❤😘" ~ Tawnya
- December 10, 2020
"15 years ago today, I married my best friend Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson. This choice has shaped my life today and for eternity. At the beginning of our marriage, we were so full of joy, excitement, and love for the future. The possibilities were endless of what we wanted in life. We dreamed big and began this adventure of life together. At that time little did we know that we would encounter so many obstacles, challenges and trials. Things like bankruptcy, infertility, going through invetro, losing a child at 17 weeks, multiple job changes, not able to pass my state clinical exam, moving to California, Valerie struggling with weight loss, unexpected diagnosis and fight of cancer, the loss of my eternal companion, and being alone raising two sweet boys. As I look at that list and I am so grateful that I was eternally connected to Valerie, married in the temple and had an eternal perspective of life, faith in god and love of people has helped us through.
I would choose to go through this life again with my sweetheart Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson again. God has played an important part in allowing several challenges and trials to happen in our marriage to help shape and form who we are today. Through these events, me, Valerie and my boys have had some of the most amazing and life changing experiences that I treasure today. I can honestly call many of the challenges and trials that we went through treasured positions and gifts
Today I miss my sweet Valerie and would love to enjoy this day in person with her, but I know we will be together again forever. We still are doing things together, and I still talk with her, but it is slightly different with what our life was “supposed to look like” but GOD had a different plan. Happy 15th eternal anniversary babe. I am eternally grateful for you and how you have helped me become the person I am today. 🤟 #belikeval" ~ Jason
~ December 10, 2020
"15 years ago today, I married my best friend Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson. This choice has shaped my life today and for eternity. At the beginning of our marriage, we were so full of joy, excitement, and love for the future. The possibilities were endless of what we wanted in life. We dreamed big and began this adventure of life together. At that time little did we know that we would encounter so many obstacles, challenges and trials. Things like bankruptcy, infertility, going through invetro, losing a child at 17 weeks, multiple job changes, not able to pass my state clinical exam, moving to California, Valerie struggling with weight loss, unexpected diagnosis and fight of cancer, the loss of my eternal companion, and being alone raising two sweet boys. As I look at that list and I am so grateful that I was eternally connected to Valerie, married in the temple and had an eternal perspective of life, faith in god and love of people has helped us through.
I would choose to go through this life again with my sweetheart Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson again. God has played an important part in allowing several challenges and trials to happen in our marriage to help shape and form who we are today. Through these events, me, Valerie and my boys have had some of the most amazing and life changing experiences that I treasure today. I can honestly call many of the challenges and trials that we went through treasured positions and gifts
Today I miss my sweet Valerie and would love to enjoy this day in person with her, but I know we will be together again forever. We still are doing things together, and I still talk with her, but it is slightly different with what our life was “supposed to look like”but GOD had a different plan. Happy 15th eternal anniversary babe. I am eternally grateful for you and how you have helped me become the person I am today. 🤟 #belikeval" ~ Jason
We Miss You Every Day
- March 4, 2020
I wrote this a couple of years back and hope that it will offer strength and understanding on God’s perspective in your life. Today is the day we said hello and goodbye to our sweet baby Hulet. His death was and continues to be instrumental in welcoming Valerie back home to heaven and offer me and the boys comfort knowing Valerie and Hulet are together. Everyday I am reminder of Gods plan because Cooper will say in his prayers “please bless that hulet can take care of Mom today”. Happy birthday buddy. Thanks for taking care of mom for me until I can soon join you as a family. I am grateful you are a part of our eternal family. Gods will to have you pass away when you did has helped comfort us and eased the sting of Valerie’s death over and over again. I honor you today for being an amazing example of Gods plan on those days that are lonely, sad and difficult.
My perspective on life and how Heavenly Father watches over us recently has changed. Almost two years ago, me and my wife prayed, fasted, saved money and did everything we could to have another child added to our little family. Through this process the lord blessed my wife with being pregnant. We were so excited and overwhelmed with joy. During this time we quickly realized that our son, that we so deeply desired to have was diagnosis with anacephaly. Which means the brain develops out of the undeveloped skull. We were devastated when we heard this news. Even the doctor indicated that in each case the result is fatal with the child. With heavy hearts, me and my wife made the unbearable choice of having our baby boy born early due to Valerie’s potentially becoming septic and becoming very sick. With family around us and praying for us our baby Hulet McKay was born not alive. As we held him and admired him, we all thought what could have been. Even up to the time we left the hospital we did not want to leave our sweet baby boy. Again with heavy hearts we choose to move on with our life. With this being the hardest trial we have both had faced in our lives, we choose to move forward and began healing.
Shortly after this trial, Valerie began to talk about getting her health back on track. Up until this point she was so dedicated and committed to trying so many things, but without any success. She began to look at a surgery that would allow her goal to be a reality. Due to what we went through with our baby, and through the insurance coverage at work, it became a reality for her. We began to see small miracles in Valerie and she began feeling happier, fulfilled and satisfied. She indicated “ I am getting my life back”. On 8/23/2018 her doctor indicated that her health looked great and she had done incredible over the past year. As a family, couple we thought all our dreams and focus on life was starting to turn around and begin to finally work in our favor.
Fast forward a month, and Valerie came to me asking about a large mass she felt in her stomach. She said “Jason, can you feel this”. It was a larger hard mass in her abdominal area, that was something I never had felt before. We discussed how it could have been from her past surgery. A week later we felt it again and noticed it had significantly had grown. Concern and anxiety began to fill out hearts. Shortly, after feeling this large mass, it lead to several doctors appointments, scans and test to later find out about Valerie’s stage 4 Colon cancer diagnosis. Again, Our life was rocked and changed in a very short time. There had been no warning signs or symptoms up to this point. Emotionally, physically, spiritually deviated and wondering how we are going to get through this trial. Life has been forever altered, changed and enhanced, but still wonderful why we have to go through this trial or challenge. “Heavenly Father, Have we not been through enough already up to this point in our lives”, crosses my head almost on a daily basis. Since that day in the hospital, life continues on, but is still a battle on a daily basis. We still have bad and good days. We still cry when people are around, as well as when we are by ourselves. It still is hard to see people enjoying life while going through something so devastating and hard, but we focus on the small things, and life one day at a time. The lord continues to offer many tender mercies through friends, family and even people we don’t even know. The atonement definitely looks and feels so much different from this side.
Over the holiday break my father in law asked how old our baby Hugh would have been now. Valerie, said “ he would have been around 1 years old”. At that moment I never really realized what the lord had done for us up to this point. I could not wrap my head around trying to care for a 1 year old little boy during this very emotional and challenging time with Valerie’s cancer diagnosis. Just that thought brought an overwhelming anxiety and stress. As I shared these thoughts with my father, he indicated that him and my mom would have most likely be the ones helping with the 1 year Old baby boy. I still can’t believe that thought, but I have realized how god works in many mysterious ways and allowed things to happen the way they are meant to be.
No one would ever want to lose a child the way we did or any other way, but it has been a gift from god. They way it is playing out is an amazing gift. If we had not lost the baby when we did, Valerie probably would not had the surgery as soon as she did. It was through losing a child miracle, that lead to the weight loss miracle that allowed us to discover the large mass on Valerie sooner, that has caused us to get the needed treatment. She had no symptoms or warning signs that lead us to believe she had cancer. So again the trials/ gifts we receive allowed god’s will to take place.
Looking back and reflecting on these events in our lives has allowed me to thank Heavenly Father for allowing things to happen exactly the way they are supposed to happen. Who would of thought that at the time was our biggest trial in our life( losing our baby) has become one of the biggest blessings to help and heal Valerie. Thank you Hugh for being in our lives, being our son and helping your mother get the help she needs. Thanks again for helping your family even from the other side, even when we couldn’t do anything from here. We feel your love and spirit each day.
Trust your Heavenly Father and know that he allows things to happen for a reason, even if we are not sure why or become angry, he knows what is best for you and your family. May the lord bless you in your trials and give you the perspective you need." ~ Love, The Clawson’s
- February 9, 2020
"Dear Amazing Friends,
One year ago today was a night I will never forget. Me, Valerie and the boys were surrounded with some of the most amazing people of our lives. People that have made us smile, laugh, cry and stood by some of the most difficult things of our life. Who would have guessed that our earlier trials of life would have prepared us for the most challenge situation like cancer and death. Those trials and challenges have become and are starting to become some of my most precious experiences and friends of our lives. It continues to allow me and the boys to become the people that God has wanted for us all along.
When I reflect on that precious night at thanksgiving point, I recall being so full of the spirit and love because of those I was around. I get emotional still to this day as I replay that night, those hugs, comforting words and smiles that gives me strength and hope for the future. My brother josh Clawson and sister in law Annalee Clawson along with so many people were instrumental in creating this memorable moment. Who would have thought that things could change so fast, and think about how precious relationship and life is. Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson knew this at a early age and lived these principle until she passed away. Today, I would ask you again to “Be like Val” where you love people for who they are, share from the heart, and treat others like the savior would.
I find my situation still very hard and think many times “how did this happen so fast” and “ did I do and say enough I needed to”? I have recently learned this principle that helps me today. When the savior was going through the most challenging things of his life, he did not complain or back down, but went out and ministered and healed others, and that is what helped him get through the most trying times of his life. When I think about how difficult my life is and hard things have become, I am quickly reminded of forgetting about myself and go an minister to people that need love and support. Just like Val and the savior did. Ministering truely heals and comforts your heart and soul when facing some of the biggest challenges of your life. Allow yourself to heal from the inside out, rather then the outside in. Never forget to let others know you love them and how much they mean to you, because it might be the last time. My family loves and cares about you all. May the lord bless you in your life and biggest challenges. Never forget that the atonement can work as you minister to others when you are struggling. Trust me I know this first hand." Love, The Clawson’s
- April 12, 2020
"Easter started at 2:30 am this morning when Boston came crawling into my bed. He said “ dad, I really miss mom. I had a dream that she came back to life”. I said, “I know Boston, I miss her too”. I couldn’t go back to sleep and Shortly after this It got me thinking about the meaning of Easter and how the Savior sacrificed so much so that we can live again, and make Boston’s dream a reality of seeing Valerie again. I testify that through the Saviors’s sacrifice that he gave his life and made it possible for all of us to live again, and help us through the sting of death, sin, heartache and discomfort and be able to make it possible for everyone to be together forever. Jesus lives and will live forever. Happy Easter everyone." ~ Love the Clawson’s
- June 10, 2020
On June 12th, 2019 was the day that brought so much change and growth into my families life. That day was when Valerie passed and she reunited with our sweet son Hulet. Over the past year, life has been so incredibly exhausting, emotional, stressful, tearful, life changing, and lots of growth. It was a year unlike anything I have ever experienced and imagined. Family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and strangers become some of the most precious and cherished people in my life. I am forever grateful for those amazing people. It truly takes a village to grieve, heal and at times just breathe and survive.
In preparation for the 1 year anniversary ( on Friday) I would love to rename Friday, June 12th “BE LIKE VAL DAY” in her honor. That day, I would invite you, family and friends to do something kind, thoughtful, loving and service related. Just like Valerie would.
She had a way of making you feel like the most important person, and to honor her life I would love those that knew her and felt her presence to give back, and have a unified effort in feeling her love and spirit on Friday.
It would also mean a lot for those that participate in “BE LIKE VAL DAY” to post your act of kindness in Valerie’s honor. This would help those grieving and healing to feel her wonderful spirit and continue healing. Attach both my name and Valeries on Facebook so that others can experience this wonder and sweet day dedicated to Valerie. Love you Val. Thanks for helping all of us through this tough and challenging year. Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson"
~ Love, The Clawson’s
- June 11, 2020
"Tomorrow The Clawson’s are celebrating BE LIKE VAL DAY and would love for you to do something kind in her honor." ~ Amy
- June 12, 2020
"It’s been a year today since so many of us said goodbye to our precious friend Val 😔. I will forever love and miss her. She had this very unique gift and talent that made you feel as though you were the most important person in the world when she spoke to you....and to her, in that moment, you were the most important person.
I promise to always try to be as thoughtful, generous and loving as you were sweetest Val" ~ Anne
- June 12, 2020
"Today, more than ever, does the world need more Vals! @valerieclaw Was the most loving, happy, nonjudgmental, beautiful soul! If you knew her, you loved her...and she loved you just as much if not more 💕
It’s not as hard as you think to be like Val. Start today! Start small if you have to. Smile more. Strike up a conversation with a complete stranger (while social distancing of course). Reach out to an old friend. Grab an ice cream or a soda with a pal. Listen! REALLY really listen!
‘What the world needs now, is LOVE!’" ~ Debbie
- June 12, 2020
"Miss you every day, Val. 💔" ~ Julie
- June 12, 2020
"These girls put a little more kindness and love out in the world today❤️ It was really sweet to watch as they handed flowers and a note of encouragement to strangers. We are thinking of you today Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson" ~ Amy G.
- June 12, 2020
"A year ago today my dear friend Val passed away and I have wanted to write about her so many times but didn't know what to say exactly. As I sat at her funeral I was so sad and the tears flowed and flowed. At the same time I loved hearing all of the stories that were shared and I learned that I wasn't the only one that felt like we had a special bond that was unique to just us, but it was a talent of hers to make everyone feel as if they were her best friend.
I didn't know Val as deeply as many of her closest friends since childhood, but the memories I have with her are so special and something that I will always cherish. I decided to write this today because I think everyone deserves to know just how amazing Val is and was and if you didn't have the chance to get to know her, you would have loved her, just as I did.
There wasn't anything that Val didn't seem to know how to do. I was always amazed at her never ending list of talents. Before I even knew Val she and Jason purchased a car from James and then she dropped off a box full of smart cookies. I guess we can thank her for that addiction that everyone in our family has. James came home and told me about the nicest couple that had come and gotten a car and I was so excited to find out that we were in the same ward. Wherever she went, Val made a friend and touched others with her kindness.
I can't even count the endless project that she helped me design and print while working at Alphagraphics or even after she had left there. She was always willing to lend her creative touch onto anything from Christmas cards, Baby announcements, Baptism invitations, Wedding announcements, Valentines Day cards, posters and the list goes on an on. After she had moved I loved it when she would swing by to drop off my cards and we would chat and laugh about life and anything.
When I was called to be over the Relief Society Activities at church I was taking over the calling from Val. She came over to my house with boxes and boxes of things and had so many ideas. We talked for hours, probably because we kept getting off topic, but she wanted to make sure that she shared every idea and answered all of my questions. Even though she was busy and had a lot going on she always had the ability to make you feel like she was giving you all of her undivided attention and that you were important. That is a quality I want to strive to master in my busy life because I remember how much it meant to me.
We went on a girls trip to St. George and jammed out for hours in the car reliving the best music from the 80's and 90's and had the best time. We laughed our heads off at Tuacahn as we watched an interesting rendition of Sister Act. Enjoyed fun girls nights out to movie premiers, game nights, Christmas parties, birthdays, baby showers, Yogurtland, Rumbi, Zupas and many more.
Val could talk about any subject and was one of the best story tellers. We talked about our missions, personal struggles, mental health issues, successes and failures, children, infertility, skin care, waxing, school and family. Val loved her boys and Jayson with all her heart and was such a good example to me of always wanting to support them and put them first no matter what.
I know that I am a better person because I was lucky enough to know Val and call her my friend. She touched me and helped me to feel like I was special and loved. I love how her sweet husband Jason came up with the idea for June 12th to be
"BE LIKE VAL DAY" To honor her we are all encouraged to do something kind, thoughtful, loving and service related. Just like Valerie would. Post your act of kindness in Valerie's honor to help her family in their healing process.
We love you Val, and will never forget how you touched each one of our lives 💜💜" ~ Angela
- June 12, 2020
"We love you and miss you Val! We can't believe it's been a year since you've been with us physically. Always in our hearts!❤
Be like Val Day!" ~ Tawnya
- June 12, 2020
"Thinking of Val today as I had lunch with some ladies! I know this was one of Val’s favorite things to do! She was a friend to everyone, and made everything fun! Love you Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson Jason Mckay Clawson #belikeval" ~ Amy D.
- June 12, 2020
"For “Be Like Val Day” today we donated these items to the MVHS Bruin Pantry in Val’s honor. She was always looking out for other people, was so welcoming to Trevor, and a was kind, dear friend to me. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to be more like her today. We love you and the boys!" ~ Andrea
- June 12, 2020
" “Be Like Val Day” It’s been a special day with all the feels as I’ve gone through pictures and reminisced about my sweet friend, Val Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson
Val had a few really hard trials, this was before she knew she had terminal cancer. Even though she was struggling, she was always there for me!! She always had the best advice, and genuinely wanted to know how I was doing. Val was the one I’d call when I just needed to talk something out or have a good laugh! She was thoughtful, a people pleaser, told the funniest stories, best VT companion, selfless, truest friend you’ll ever have, faithful, always dishing out compliments, great listener, cutest decorator, master card/photo designer, etc. and all around the greatest friend.
for including us, and allowing us to share the love of our dear friend. 😘 “Be Like Val Today” and everyday. We ❤️ your family and are always here for you and the boys!
- June 12, 2020
Today marks one year since the day we all had to say goodbye to My beautiful Val. Valerie is one of the best friends I will ever have in this life. She and I instantly connected when we met, but we all know she had a gift for making people feel like they meant everything to her. The many ways that Valerie showed up for me in my life are deeply treasured memories and I am honored to share one of them today, as her amazing husband, Jason, has asked that today be a day where we can all “Be like Val” by completing a service in her honor and sharing it.
One day, years ago, I was having one of the worst days of my life. I had decided to go pick up a pizza for dinner and couldn’t get that far because I was crying so much. Val happened to show up in the parking lot, completely out of the blue, even though we didn’t even live in the same city anymore and she had no idea I would be there. This happened often. Val instantly knew what to do and she told me to stay put and she went inside papa Murphy’s and brought me out a big pizza with bread and cookie dough for the kids. She sat and cried with me and hugged me tight and told me how much I was loved and that there were better days ahead. It was one of the many ways in which she was already an angel in my life. Today, to honor her, the kids and I went and picked up pizzas and took them to some people whose hearts may have needed to know how much they are loved and that there are better days ahead.
“Be Like Val.”
One of the last conversations she and I had, will forever be one of the deepest and most meaningful conversations of my life. Her friendship was a gift, she was a gift, and I know she is still a part of my life today. All her boys were her world and I know she is still showing up for them.
I love you Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson and you were in my heart all day. Tears for how much I miss you and wish I could hear your voice and laugh. You make me want to be a better person and always have. ♥️" ~ Lana
- June 12, 2020
"Today was an Emotional day for me. 1 year ago we lost my Amazing sister Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson to stupid Cancer😢 There’s not a day that goes by I don’t think/cry/talk/miss her! She was Bigger than Life and you felt special just knowing she was your friend! In the day leading up to her passing, there must have been 100+ people show up to see her/say goodbye! I truly believe I’ll see her again in the next life, but that doesn’t quell the pain. Sometimes I think maybe she was too good for this world? She would hate the way the world is right now because she truly loved and was a friend to EVERYONE!!!!! Listen I don’t want to wax political or try to push some agenda but I do believe we can all Love a little harder and try to be a little better! I’m blessed to have been your Brother Valley, but I’m more blessed to have seen your Christlike example! I love you Sis and miss ya tons! Thanks for Loving me!" ~ Bradley
- June 13, 2020
“BE LIKE VAL DAY” has changed my life.
About a month ago I sat down with some of the most important people in my life to let them know how difficult and challenge life had been. I opened up and poured out my heart to those that love and cared about me. It was uncomfortable, difficult and hard but needed to happen. In this moment I was blessed to have so many surround me, care and love about me and my family, and offer me hope for the future. I even felt Valerie sitting in that circle of influence listening to me and telling me “it’s going to be alright because I am here always”. Shortly after that moment I came up with the idea to make June 12th “Be like Val day”.
Yesterday I truly did not expect what transpired and felt. Instead of waiting for this painful, awful and uncomfortable day to quickly pass, it was the total opposite. I did not want to have it end. The out pouring of love, thoughts, kind acts of service and goodness that was shared yesterday was so overwhelming. It was as though she had never left. I for a whole day felt the power and influence of Valerie and the sting of death was no where to be found. After being held hostage from Covid 19, Alot of us lost the ability to have a lot of human connection and a comforting and healing hug. Yesterday as I embraced so many people that I love and cared about it brought so much soothing spirit to me and the boys souls. I felt like you all when touched by Valeries influence time and time again. Last night I sat in my bed crying to the late hours of the night as I read all of the amazing post and kind acts of service Dedicated in Valerie’s name. I did not want it to end because of the way I felt.
I am so honored and humble that friends and family participated in the “Be like Val day”. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It will be a day I look forward to every year and run to with anticipation rather then fear or avoid. God is good and is aware of what we need if we are truly willing to listen, share what we need with him and loved ones. Vunerbality invites vulnerability and also can invites Valerie back into my and your own life. When know that from yesterday’s experience. May the lord and Valerie smile on your heart and life whenever you need them." ~ Love, Valerie, Jason, Boston, Cooper and Hulet Clawson’s
- August 23, 2020
"Happy 40th Birthday Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson Today, I celebrate you and everyone that you have taught and have blessed in your life. All from me, the boys , and everyone you came in contact throughout your amazing 40 years. We deeply miss you and all the goodness you did in this world. Thanks for being such an amazing light and inspiration even still today from the other side. We honor and love you more on this special day of your life. Today is a day to be grateful for the understanding that families can be together forever, because I can’t wait to be together again." ~ Love you and always Jason
- December 10, 2019
"Today I celebrate “together forever” more then I ever have in my life. These words have never meant so much as it does today. 14 years ago I married the right girl (Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson), in the right place ( American fork temple), at the right time ( December 10th, 2005) The choice that continues to shape, build and change me and my boys today. It is a choice that has allowed so much goodness and so many amazing people to become a part of our lives. The sting of death continues to be present and a constant reality over this past six months, but the words of “together forever” is the medicine and the reality for me and my family that we embrace. Together we fight to live the best lives we can so that we can become a family forever. Valerie and baby Hulet are the angels that hold us up and give us comfort in a effort to make our family whole again.
Distance is only Temporary, because we still and feel their influence today. During our marriage, I would sit and listen to Valerie in many different occasions. She always joked that she married a therapist for a reason. LOL. Now today she is my spiritual therapist listening to me today. She listens to me cry, she listens to my successes, she listens to my heart ache, and listens to me and the boys talk about her and what she meant to us. Even through she is on the other side, comforting those that stand in need of comfort, she is the anchor to our family and gives us strength when we need strength on a daily basis.
We continue to invite Valerie and Hulet into our lives on a regular basis because they are still a major part of our lives and families are forever, and there is no other way. Today that is what helps give me and the boys strength on the hardest of days, is knowing and picturing my two sweet angels say “ keep with it, you are almost home forever. We can’t wait to see you”." love, Jason and the boys
- December 23, 2019
" “Merry Christmas from our mortal and eternal Clawson family”. We love you all!!
We love and care about you all. It has been such an emotional and life changing 2019 year for all of us, and feel so much closer to you guys through this past year. Let’s us all remember that it was the savior who allowed us to be together forever with our loved ones and family members. Take time this year and next to smile daily, hug each time you see loved ones, laugh often and talk regularly with those who you love. It is such a special time to open your heart and allow your love ones to see and hear from your heart. You will never know how much you need these people until your situation changes forever. Take the time now to build and strengthen for the future. You will be forever and eternally be grateful for it. Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson" ~ Jason
- August 24, 2019
"When grieving is accepted and celebrated, the pain that once was, becomes something we look forward to, and run too. It no longer holds us hostage because we are choosing to embrace it and become stronger from the trial. Last night as We all celebrated Valerie’s birthday together, the heaviness that comes and goes was shared by so many friends and family, that it all allowed us collectively to heal, be happy and move forward with some parts of our lives. For a moment it felt like we comforted those that stood in front of those that need comforting. Tender mercies are the lords reminders that we are on the right track. Back to live with him again." ~ Jason
- August 23, 2019
"Today I honor Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson for the wonder kind and loving person she was. Happy 39th birthday sweet heart. Let us celebrate what a legacy she has lived and will continue to be remembered. In her honor, let us have a day where we choose to be like Valerie day. A day where we make everyone around us feel safe, important, everybody’s best friend, and most important included. Choosing to do this will make us closer to Valerie and what she meant to us all. I miss her greatly and how what she did for me, but I am choosing to bless others lives just like she blessed mine. Happy birthday. Today is for you and how you taught us to live life." ~ Jason
- July 23, 2019
"Thank you family and friends for the birthday wishes. It was another first for me again. My first birthday without my sweet Valerie. Hard, emotional and peaceful. The crowning jewel of the day was when my family presented this sweet family picture to me. It was painted by my sweet cousin Kathy. Words can not express how amazing it was to receive it and be reminded again that families can be together forever. Thanks for all the prayers, thoughts and healing energy. Life is complete with amazing family and friend." ~ Jason
- June 22, 2019
"To say that I love this girl and her three boys is an understatement! She was the perfect example of Christlike love and acceptance. Her funeral was beautiful! I loved hearing stories about her hilarious personality and also her tender voice from her last days on this earth. The chapel was as full( if not more so!) as a stake conference and I know of many many more who wanted to be there but couldn’t. We were all her BFFs and least that is how she ALWAYS made us feel. Her sweet husband Jason wrote so beautifully that I just had to share how very special my pal Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson was to me, my girls, and everyone who had the privilege to know her 💕
#buncobuncodinner 😘 It’s stuck in your head now isn’t it?! 😁" ~ Debbie
- June 22, 2019
"Such an amazing person and tribute. The Nichols family will be forever grateful for your friendship and will miss Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson dearly. Jason Mckay Clawson you are truly amazing for the strength you have shown and definitely make me want to be a better person." ~ Joshua
- June 22, 2019
“Be more like Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson”.
My heart is so full and grateful for the wonderful love and support from family and friends. It is overwhelming and so comforting.
It has been over a week since my sweet Valerie has passed away. Many times I think, “ how did I get here in such a short time”. Last year at this time we felt like our life was going as good as it has ever gone. In a matter of a few months the life we were living was transformed and changed forever and altered how so many people live their lives.
I will never forget the piercing words on that October day from the oncologist that’s said “Valerie, has stage 4 colon cancer”. When you have news as this magnitude you begin to live life differently. You change the way you talk and treat people. Grudges, resentment, and people that get on our nerves become cherished relationship because experiences and life has so much more meaning. Instead of spending your energy on hating or holding on to feelings, you spend it on magnifying and fighting back on and trying to win the battle with cancer. I had many discussion’s with Valerie about whether this is God’s plan or is this a trial that we will soon be speaking about, and giving people hope for the future. God’s will is something that allows us to turn faith and hope into god’s hands and follow his will. Working towards, fighting and trying so many remedies to overcome this disease called cancer required so much strength, energy, prayers encouragement, smiles, friends, and family. God allowed Valerie to stay in this life because she was willing to let go of the past. She was willing to let go of those things that are so insignificant and would mean nothing in a couple of days, months or years. Her conversations with everyone become more loving, caring, forgiving, gospel centered, uplifting and focused on others. She also indicated that she was able to see people differently because of what she was going through. “I can see people the way the savior sees them. I truly love everyone”.
Sitting in the hospital room with Valerie, and my mother in law, I wrote on my phone and showed her that said “how long does she have”. My mother secretly said “ the doctor said 2 weeks”. My heart sank, and begin to plan how I am going to make every moment count. I focused on Saying I love you more and more, holding her hands, rubbing her fuzzy head, looking into her big brown eyes, and cuddling next to her never meant so much in my life. The veil become thin talking about her life, how she has helped so many people, and how many lives she has influenced over the years. She whispered and said “Jason, are you scared of me dying”. I replied and said “yes, I am because I will not have you to enhance my life”. She began to cry and then said “ Jason, I will always be here with you forever” For the next 20 minutes we did not talk, but just cried because we knew the time was near and she was being called home.
As I sat back and saw the out pouring of love that came to Valerie over he finally weeks, it was amazing to witness how she has lived her life like the savior. In her last moments she was surround by friends and family. When friends and family would come to see her, she would never say no to seeing them. Behind the scenes and with me she indicated how exhausted and tired she was, but could not turn down an opportunity to comfort, smile, encourage and build up people she cared about and loved. In the end, what made Valerie who she was, and meant to others, was probably what decreased her time on this earth, but I can honestly say “ she would not have had it any other way”. One night on the bed she looked at me and said “jay, I am so tired. I think it is almost time for me to go”.
Thank you everyone for the out pouring of love, encouragement, prayers, fasting and service to our family. We are all blessed to have you guys in our lives. Valerie will be missed, but not forgotten because of how she taught us how to live our life. I have learned how to become more Christlike and love people regardless of their appearance, what they have done in their own personal lives, because I knew Valerie.
God be with you until we meet again my sweet Valerie.
Lots of Love, and your friends forever." ~The Clawson’s
June 21, 2019
"How do you say goodbye to one of your best friends? Sweet Valerie was laid to rest today. My heart aches because I miss her more than I can put into words. I am truly a better person because of her. She has the sweetest, most genuine heart. She was always there for me and always wanted what’s best for me. Her faith was an inspiration, it never wavered. She stood by my side during my struggles when no one else could. I knew she would always be there. Val, I love you and I miss you so much it hurts, but I know I will get to hug you again." ~ Julie
June 21, 2019
"There’s nothing like attending a funeral to reassess one’s priorities! Today, beautiful Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson was laid to rest & I had the privilege of honoring her today & hear how she lived a life of service & friendship towards all she came into contact. What a special woman! My dear friend, Jason Mckay Clawson, Val’s remarkable husband, will keep her sweet memory alive for their two young sons, until they are reunited again.
I was reminded that ALL we take with us when we die are the beautiful connections we make. I want to focus my energy in this effort & create more time for meaningful connections. I want to live my life like Val!" ~ Cheryl
June 14, 2019
"Please share and pass on.
Service for Valerie Clawson.
We would love to invite all those to come and celebrate Valerie Clawson’s life. Below are the details for the services.
The viewing for Valerie will be held on 6/20 from 6-8:30pm
Another viewing for Valerie will be held on 6/21 from 9:30-10:30 am
The Funeral will be held 6/21 from 11-12:30pm with burial service following at the Orem cemetery.
A luncheon will follow the burial ceremony for family and friends back at the Suncrest stake center.
We love and are grateful for all those that helped us through this battle with Valerie. She is so blessed to have you be a part of her life. Lots of love.

--------"  ~ Jason

- June 14, 2019
"I am feeling really sad about my Beautiful Friend Valerie Biggerstaff Clawson passing away this past Wednesday. I can’t stop thinking about her and how I wish I could have seen her before she left us. She had been battling Cancer for the past 8-9 months. All I know is that I will miss her kind heart and Friendship. She was so Sweet, I remember her always greeting me “Hey Girl, how’s your Sweet Mia?” she had nothing but nice things to say and I felt the Love she had for my daughter Mia. I remember going to her house to ask for help with something and we talked and she shared things with me and opened up about the loss of her Baby Boy Hulet McKay, she showed me her little memory box of him and pictures of him. I was so touched that she shared this with me. My heart aches so much since her passing and thru her chemo and illness I never knew when the right time was to reach out to her. I wanted to give her privacy and not intrude knowing what she was going through was so difficult. I sent her a text me last week, I don’t know if she got it. You are one in a Million Valerie. I am really going to miss your Beautiful Spirit, your Smile, your Welcoming warm friendship. You were always Perfectly Beautiful inside and out . Til we meet again xoxoxox" ~ Cynthia

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