Loss of a loved one
(Week 13) - It's okay to have growth in my life.
Write down 3 things you admire about yourself.
Write down all of your memories of your interaction with music. What type of music did you listen to? Favorite bands? etc.
Call a close friend and ask for an embarrasing story of you. Write down this story.
What compliment would you give yourself if you hadn't experienced this loss? What compliment can you now give yourself?
Rage list. List out all of the feelings of frustration you have right now.
Labels are powerful. Write a list of positive lables that you believe are true or wish to be true. I am happy, I am excited, I am...
Write down a list of compliments. Now find a way to give each of these compliments to others.
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(Week 14) - I am doing my best, and that is enough.
Look at yourself in the mirror. What would do you want to change about what you see?
Eat your favorite meal. Write down how this made you feel.
Eat your favorite treat. Write down how this made you feel.
Write down an embarrassing moment from your life.
Get a balloon and write a message to your child. Now release the balloon.
Breathe Deeply. Feel Deeply. (Breathe in 3-5 seconds, breathe out 3-5 seconds)
Using the Feelings Chart draw/label your current feelings.
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(Week 15) - It's okay if I see good in the world.
Text your friends and family and ask them reasons you should be thankful. Tell them it's hard to see any good in the world and you want their help. Write each of these items down.
Find something you own and repurpose it. Give it to someone in need. Write down the feelings you gained from this experience.
Call a friend and tell them you just need to hear about someone else's life for a bit. Then listen. Write down your thoughts about what you heard.
What I do when I can't sleep at night and I'm thinking of my loss.
Make up a joke. Write it down. Text it to a friend.
How have you changed since your loss? Do you like this change that you see in yourself?
What I want to be remembered for.
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(Week 16) - I accept myself.
What my loss will always remind me of.
How I will remember my child, my future plans, and my loss.
Write down ways you have felt alone. Tell a close friend about these feelings.
Enthusiasm/Joy/Crazy/Stupid Choose a word and describe how it was a part of your day.
If you could have chosen a last meal before your loss what would it have been? Have this last meal in honor of your loss.
What is a kind act you remember a friend performing? Go out and do this kind act to someone else.
Write down a few dreams your loss has stolen from you.
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(Week 17) - It's okay to love myself completely and entirely.
Write down your favorite snack. Go out and enjoy it.
Write down a story you remember your loved one sharing.
Write down ways you have dared to be great.
Write down ways you are a hero to someone else.
Draw your favorite animal.
Draw yourself as the sun how much sunshine are you giving out?
Blunder List. When you are grieving loss you make a lot of blunders. List out all of the ones you have made. Isn't it beautiful how much your loss has impacted your life?
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(Week 18) - I respect myself.
Text a friend a kind message or a compliment.
Choose a word out of these 3 words and expand upon why this word touched your heart.
Plant a tree, bush, or flower in memory of your life, strength and continual growth. Write down the feelings of your heart afterwards.
Describe how you want to make a difference in the world today.
A new idea or understanding I wish I could share with others is...
Make a list of your favorite hobbies. What is one you can keep in your life?
Do 1 hard thing today. Write down your feelings once you accomplished this.
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(Week 19) - I trust myself.
Write down your prediction of tomorrow. Are you happy with it? If not make it a totally different day than your prediction.
Using the Feelings Chart draw/label your current feelings.
Your loss could still be impacting your life. What action will you do today in honor of it?
Write down 1 surprise you have received recently. Why did it surprise you?
Write down something that is becoming normal for you, that you never thought would be normal.
Write a poem, no matter how bad, about your life. (The effort is what matters)
Write down your craziest memory.
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(Week 20) - Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you.
Write down 1 way you will use your loss to influence you to be a better person.
Your strengths and weaknessses make you unique. Write down all of your strengths. Now write down your weaknesses as if they had become new strengths. Imagine working on these weaknesses.
Text several people letting them know how much they mean to you. What were their responses?
Draw a picture of your house if you stayed stuck in your present. Now draw a picture of your house if you continued to live life each day.
Get dressed in your nicest clothes and go out to a restraunt. Write down how you felt while you were eating out.
Write down an experience you will have tomorrow to remind yourself of your strength.
Draw yourself with your left hand. Now your right hand. How do they compare?
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(Week 21) - You define your own life.
Write down 1 thing you have always wanted to do in life. Now do it in honor of your strength.
Draw a picture that someone else would describe as peaceful.
Draw a picture where someone else would describe it as joyful.
Grief exists because of your love. Write down all the grief that exists from all of your love.
Give a nice big belly laugh. (Force one out). When was the last time you laughed?
You have earned support and help. Write down who you can reach out to for support and help. Now ask them.
Look at a picture of yourself. How do you feel inside? Write this down.
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(Week 22) - When I am with friends, I am raw and authentic with my feelings.
Write down 1 negative belief you are holding on to. Now write down 5 positive beliefs that disprove this.
Write down an inappropriate joke you have chuckled at.
Make yourself a vision box. add in items that revitalize your plans for the future.
Write down 5 things you miss about yourself. Now write down 5 things you can do to allow them to come back into your life.
Write down all of the compliments you have received in your life. Go as far back as you can remember. How long of a list can you make?
What is the hardest part of your journey so far? Now, write down who/what can help you with that and reach out for their help.
Write down any moments of peace or joy you have felt recently. Give yourself permission to be okay with these moments.
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(Week 23) - I love who I am.
Create a jar of inspiration and love. Anytime you have a thought of your strength, write down the thought and put it into the jar. Once you fill the jar up read through the ways that have grown.
List all the ways you can honor yourself.
Set a goal for the future. Now go out and accomplish it.
Using the Feelings Chart draw/label your current feelings.
Write down the first letter in your name. Now turn that letter into a picture.
Create a wish list of ways to honor your strength.
Create a list of gratitude for things that are still in your life. (Electricity, Running Water, Etc.)
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(Week 24) - The more I love, the more I am loved.
If money weren't an issue how would you live your life right now?
What I use as motivation to keep moving forward.
Write down a great idea you have enjoyed hearing about.
Create a list of excuses you can use for hard days. When you don't feel like leaving the house.
Send out 1 thank you text to someone. How did they respond?
Write down 1 way you gave up today, and 1 way you pressed on.
Write down how you tried to honor yourself today.